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단둥 압록강지역 북중경협 관련 블룸버그 기사





The bridge into the northeastern Chinese city of Dandong, set to open next year, is a bet that trade will swell even as the U.S. pressures Communist Party leaders to exert economic leverage on the North to abandon its nuclear program. Secre...tary of State John Kerry said last week China needs to “put some teeth” into restraining Kim Jong Un’s regime.
The three-kilometer bridge, which the official Xinhua News Agency said will cost 2.2 billion yuan ($356 million), will speed commerce through a city that now handles 70 percent of the two countries’ trade. The span illustrates how the North is binding itself even tighter with China as it limits economic ties with South Korea, including by temporarily suspending work at the jointly run Gaeseong industrial facility.

"China Set to Deepen N. Korea Ties as Yalu River Bridge Rises," By Bloomberg News - Apr 17, 2013 10:48 AM GMT+0900



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관련 자료 소스 : http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-16/china-set-to-deepen-north-korea-ties-as-yalu-river-bridge-rises.html