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북한 개혁개방 관련한 영자 신문자료 소개

중국 baidu 검색 엔진에서 주운 사진.

사실 이 자료를 예전에 받고 보고 있었다. 

그런데 아무리 봐도 너무 당연한 사실이라 그냥 두고 있었는데, 

요즘에서야 이슈화되는게 너무 신기해 공개해본다. 

The source further emphasized that the North Korean authorities “are simultaneously reviewing legal and systemic modifications to make it possible to attract foreign investment from places like China.” However, he mused, “Provincial economic cadres have almost no experience, so they’ll probably draw up their proposals after looking at the Kaesong Industrial Complex.”

“Basically, half the profit that the businesses make will go to them, and half to our country. That being said, depending on the provisions of the contracts it may be that the foreign companies will only have to pay wages and land use fees,” he added. “The core of this plan is luring foreign investment. The state will probably give quite a lot of freedom to the foreign companies and not really interfere."

Provinces Told to Plan for Opening, By Lee Sang Yong

[2013-10-01 23:20 ] 

다들 영어를 잘하시니 대략적 내용 설명하면,

북한의 권력자의 말에 의하면, 법적 제도적 변화를 통해 외국의 투자를 끌어들일 것,

지방 정부급 간부는 아무런 경험이 없어서 개성공단을 보고 프로포절을 작성할 것.

비즈니스의 절반은 투자자에게 돌아가고 나머지는 북한 것임.

계약서대로 외국기업은 오로지 노동비와 토지사용비만 지불할 거임.

가장 핵심은 외국 투자를 이끌어내는 것이고, 

당국은 외국 기업에게 자유를 주고 방해하지 않을거임.

이 기사 다른 부분을 보면 나선항 관련 내용, 

자유무역지대로 다음 가능한 곳이 청진이라는 내용,

그리고 두만강 유역에 중국으로 넘어가는 라인 중 회령과 무산,

특히 무산은 철광석이 나는 곳으로 유명한데 이쪽 지역 개발 예상 가능하다는 내용도 포함.

북한을 못 믿네 믿네가 아니라,

정말 실사구시 정신으로 이것에 대한 면밀한 관찰과 분석이 필요하나 시점.

한국이 직접 남북경협을 주도하는 것이 베스트이나 

사실 남북, 남북중, 남북러, 남북중러, 플러스 일본 혹은 미국

육자회담 경제협력을 만들 수 있는 공간이 열릴 것인가 주목하고 있음.

그리고 이런 기술적인 부분에서 내가 제시한 네트워크가 

일종의 무대로써 작동하기를 기대하고 있음.

하라는 공부는 안하고 이렇게 허튼 짓하고 놀고 있음.

끝으로, Thanks for good materials, Alek.

Sorce: http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=11032

Provinces Told to Plan for Opening

By Lee Sang Yong
[2013-10-01 23:20 ]  
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The Kim Jong Eun regime has ordered provincial administrations to submit proposals for limited opening of cities in their remits, Daily NK has learned. The results are intended to be similar in nature to the Special Economic Zone at Rasun in the far northeast of the country. Legal and systemic amendments are also allegedly being reviewed.

A source from North Hamkyung Province and another from Yangkang Province reported the news to Daily NK on the 1st. The North Hamkyung Province source explained, “Since last week each province has been drawing up a proposal for submission to the Upper. The proposals include two cities where it is thought possible to attract foreign enterprise. Of late, the Marshal (Kim Jong Eun) has been calling in Central and provincial Party economic officials and ordering them to review locations in every province that could be run like the Rasun Special Economic Zone.”

According to the source, this means that 18 cities from across North Korea’s nine provinces are being put forward as candidates to become “Open Cities.” It can be assumed that the plan is premised on foreign capital and technology being attracted to provincial areas of North Korea by the country’s literate labor force. Foreign businesses will be expected to control management and production issues, while the North Korean authorities control personnel matters. Telling provinces to select two cities each is set to incite competition between provinces.

“It’s not clear what cities will be developed, or from when," the source said. "However, this was handed down by the Marshal, so that means that the Upper has already chosen the basic directive, doesn’t it?”

The source further emphasized that the North Korean authorities “are simultaneously reviewing legal and systemic modifications to make it possible to attract foreign investment from places like China.” However, he mused, “Provincial economic cadres have almost no experience, so they’ll probably draw up their proposals after looking at the Kaesong Industrial Complex.”

“Basically, half the profit that the businesses make will go to them, and half to our country. That being said, depending on the provisions of the contracts it may be that the foreign companies will only have to pay wages and land use fees,” he added. “The core of this plan is luring foreign investment. The state will probably give quite a lot of freedom to the foreign companies and not really interfere."

Bringing the conversation back to the source’s local region, he went on, “If two cities in North Hamkyung Province were under review, of course Chongjin would be one of them, and the cadres in Musan and Hoiryeong would be competing to get second place. The two will be clashing, with the one side saying ‘Hoiryeong is the hometown of the Mother (Kim Jong Il’s birth mother), so it won’t do to develop there,’ while the cadres from Hoiryeong will say, ‘There is nothing in Musan but mines, so what’s the point of doing it there?’” 

Elsewhere, the source from northerly Yangkang Province gave a detailed report of the current atmosphere in that area, saying, “Cities on the border can also be put into the proposals. Rumor has it that the Marshal said we ought to ‘do this so well that those dirty traitors [defectors] in the embrace of the puppet conservative gang will be filled with regret.'”

The same source added also, “The people releasing the news, and ordinary people too, are now anticipating the next step, saying ‘Won’t this mean that the market will be even more open?’” Finally, he emphasized that local Chinese-Korean traders, who have the most freedom to cross the Sino-North Korean border, are watching with particular interest to see which cities will be opened up for business.